5 DIY Winter Home Remedies

DIY, Health Tips & Tricks, How To December 1, 2016

Winter season brings a lot more changes than just the weather. Get through this winter with these 5 DIY home remedies! If you don’t have the time to make these remedies, no problem! We’ve gone ahead and found items you can purchase. So kick back and enjoy your holidays worry free.

Prevent Itchy Skin


Heated indoor air mixed with the dry cold air outside can quickly cause dehydration making your skin flaky and itchy.


Fill your diet with foods that are high in B vitamins (i.e. poultry, meat, and whole grains). B Vitamins help improve the delivery of blood and boosts skin health.



Prevent a Runny Nose


When a virus or allergen invades your nasal passages, your body releases chemicals called histamines that increase the production of mucus along with other symptoms such as itchy eyes or sneezing.


Eat foods containing probiotics that can help boost immunity (i.e. yogurt, miso, or sauerkraut). If you’re already experiencing symptoms of congestion, avoid dairy products and sweets. You can also disinfect a small squirt bottle by dipping it in boiling water. After the water has bubbled for at least a minute, let the water cool. Then fill the bottle with the water and add 1-2 teaspoons of table salt. Squirt a small amount of the mixture into your nasal passage before blowing it out gently.


Neti Pot / Simply Saline

Prevent Motion Sickness


Motion sickness is the feeling you get when the motion you sense with your inner ear is different from the motion you see. For more information on what motion sickness is visit: http://blog.medshopexpress.com/understanding-motion-sickness/


Eat olives! Motion sickness is known to increase salivation, which is the body’s way of protecting your teeth from stomach acid in the event of vomiting. Olives contain tannins which dry out the mouth, so eating a few can eliminate the excess saliva. Treating that symptom can reduce nausea and keep the body from getting sick.

Prevent Bone / Joint pain


There are multiple reasons as to why your body starts aching with winter approaching. It’s hard to say any specific reason as to why your body hurts more when you’re dealing with colder weather.


Epsom Salt Soak is a classic remedy to turn to when seeking quick relief and reduced inflammation. Add two cups of salts to warm bathwater and soak for at least twenty minutes.


Cold Hot Packs

Prevent Dry Scalp


Similar to dry skin, with a mixture of dry weather, your scalp may require extra care during the winter.


Eating foods that are rich in essential fatty acids (i.e. flaxseeds, walnuts, and salmon) and minimizing your coffee and alcohol intake can help alleviate some of your dry scalp. In addition to eating foods with fatty acids, drinking more water and keeping yourself hydrated is important in keeping your skin healthy and moisturized.


OGX Renewing Shampoo

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