BD Sharps Disposal By Mail - #323488
- SKU: 023005
- UPC: 38290323488
- Manufacturer: BECTON-DICKINSON
Safely dispose of used syringes, pen needles and lancets by mail. Convenient packaging includes prepaid postage. Approved by U.S. Postal Service. Can hold 70-100 insulin syringes or 300 pen needles/lancets. Includes BD Home Sharps container. Mail back package.
To discard used insulin syringes and lancets: Drop used insulin syringes and lancets needle-first into opening closest to edge. To remove and discard used pen needles: Do not reshield the needle. Carefully insert pen tip into center opening at a 45-degree angle and push firmly until pen stops. Rotate pen to the left several times while applying continuous forward pressure to loosen pen needle. Needle will fall into container after pen is removed. If pen needle gets caught in opening, use pen to push it into the container. Do not use your fingers or hands. DO NOT OVERFILL. SEAL CONTAINER WITH PERMANENT LOCKING LID WHEN FULL. Place container in red bag and close bag with twist tie. Place container in box and secure tabs. Give white return box to postal carrier or take to the U.S. Post Office. Postage is prepaid.
Keep container out of reach of children.